Founded in April 2018, Bawah Anambas Foundation is an Indonesian Foundation that aims to improve the overall ecosystem in the Anambas, both underwater and terrestrial, as well as sustainably lifting the community’s welfare. The Anambas archipelago consists of more than 250 islands across seven sub-districts and of the 45,000 people, 75-80% of them heavily rely on the ocean for their livelihood.
Located in the Coral Triangle, the Anambas has outstanding marine biodiversity presenting great potential for eco-marine tourism. Fringing reefs are easily accessible and the water is typically clear, warm and sheltered which are ideal for both snorkelling and scuba diving.
Sadly, however, the legacy of unsustainable fishing practices by local fishermen, uncontrolled fishing by the industrial fishing vessels, poor solid waste management, marine debris, and deforestation can be seen in the area. This remote picturesque paradise was not shielded from threats to its ecosystem.
One of the critical issues facing the Anambas is the lack of education and awareness about the environment. Being born, raised and spent their entire lives on remote islands these communities did not realize that dumping waste into the ocean, consuming turtle eggs and meat, using a lot of plastic and collecting stones from the forests for construction can severely damage the environment, the environment in which their lives depend.
This relatively unknown area of Indonesia is quickly becoming a popular tourist destination for both domestic and international travellers. Bawah Reserve, a newly established eco-luxury resort has played a part in this rising popularity. The Reserve has been grabbing the attention of the global luxury hospitality industry and was named as one of the best new resorts.
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Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montesmus. Pro vel nibh et elit mollis commodo et nec augue tristique sed volutpat rutrum eros sit amet sollicitudin. Suspendisse pulvinar, velit nec pharetra interdum, ante tellus ornare mi, et mollis tellus neque vitae elit. Mauris adipiscing.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montesmus. Pro vel nibh et elit mollis commodo et nec augue tristique sed volutpat rutrum eros sit amet sollicitudin. Suspendisse pulvinar, velit nec pharetra interdum, ante tellus ornare mi, et mollis tellus neque vitae elit. Mauris adipiscing mauris.